Head-architect – Aleksandr Chub.
Architects: Оleg Ivanov, Ю.Н. Skirta, Аnastasia Аbueva, Еkaterina Kublitskaia.
Engineers: Vera Donchenko,
In the reconstruction of Kharkiv arena, except preparing for the final games of the European Championship for Euro 2012, was present the idea of creating a modern multifunctional sports and entertainment complex. There was made an emphasis on the social component: sports and public events, promotion of physical education and sport, improving the conditions training of athletes.
One of the sub-projects of reconstruction – the creation of FC “Metalist” children’s football academy, located back to back to the stadium – 8 football fields with modern artificial covering and the housing for service and accommodation of 60 children.
It should be noted that the stadium “Metalist” is the only one of the those 4, taking the game of Euro 2012 stadiums in Ukraine, which design and the implementation were performed exclusively by Ukrainian team of designers and builders.
Design team of stadium’s renovation project was awarded the State Prize of Ukraine in sphere of architecture in 2011, and the head-architect of the project was awarded with the title of Honoured architect of Ukraine.
Key numbers at the moment of Euro 2012 games:
39,018 – total capacity of the stadium;
422 – seats for VIP-guests and 124 seats for VIP-guests in the skyboxes on The West Stand;
111 – seats for people with disabilities;
1212 – places for the media, of which 240 – places for commentators.
Currently, the stadium retrained for the UEFA Europa League games and matches of the Premier League national championship and has the following characteristics:
40030 – total capacity of the stadium;
938 – seats for VIP-guests and 124 seats for VIP-guests in the skyboxes on The West Stand;
111 – seats for people with disabilities;
108 – places for commentators.